Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dream, dream, dream...(What I want to be when I grow up.)

Let's face it, we all have to pay the bills (bobs, visas and BMOs). But what would I do if I was free of that obligation. What would a theologian / librarian / sociologist of religion do if he could do anything? I think I would build a Christian Resource Centre. Say what?! What the heck is that?

Well let's build one together.

I envision it has part of a local church, but open to the wider community: individuals, churches and organizations.

  • It will have a library with resources for faith building, and christian living: books and DVDs on topics like ethics, parenting, dealing with divorce and grief; materials for theological and Bible study, for personal growth and for small groups.
  • It will have a reference desk where visitors can get knowledgeable assistance to find resources to meet their spiritual information needs.
  • It will have meeting space where workshops and seminars are held. Places for learning and teaching, directed by qualified instructors.
  • The resource centre will use current technologies to reach out to its clients. People can browse the collection online, access full text christian literature and resources, and engage in online courses.
  • The resource centre staff will guide you in finding the book, video, website that meets your need. We can even help you order than book online, if you'd like.
Sometimes churches need to do original research. They need to do locate community demographics, design and assess programs, or create and analyze surveys or focus groups. I see a resource centre offering those kinds of information skills.

Also a comfy chair to curl up in, and a rocker for someone else...that sounds familiar! So there is one of my dreams. Until then, time to get back to work.


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