Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back to the Sanctuary...

The problem with research is that it can be addictive. One project suggests another, and soon, its data, data, data.

I'm still working on my dissertation research on information seeking by church leaders, and some interesting religion and media research with my supervisor. I was also recently invited to contribute a chapter to a book on Ecclesiastic Sanctuary. This will be a fascinating international study of how churches have responded to the plight of refugees. The proposed chapter will explore the ways churches justify their acts of civil disobedience.

How does this fit into my other research? Actually, this is where it all began. Back in time, 4 years ago, I was invited to coauthor a paper with David Blaikie for the SoDRUS conference at the University of Sherbrooke, QC. We explored one of the theological claims around Sanctuary in Canada/United States. The SoDRUS paper (.doc preprint) was eventually published as conference proceedings. Through this study I became fascinated by how these church leaders made their decisions to offer sanctuary. It was a faith matter, but also an information seeking activity. What information did they access, how did they interpret it and then how did they apply it? Whether one likes it or not, church decisions play a role in shaping our communities, and have a voice in the public square. Perhaps not to the same degree as in the past, but more than many realize. That is just asking to be investigated.

So here I am, four years later exploring church leaders' information seeking as they seek God's will for their churches. No I'm not just exploring sanctuary (but if your church decides to shelter refugees illegally, I would like the opportunity to take notes.)

I've come full circle perhaps, and I'm excited to be working on this chapter. David Blaikie will be joining me as we explore more legal as well as theological questions. It is due next October; so if any of you remember, you might want to give me a poke, maybe next June, and say "So David, got that sanctuary chapter done yet?"


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